Spire Nursery & Infants School

Spire Nursery & Infants School

  • Aspiration
  • Self-esteem
  • Progress
  • Independence
  • Resilience
  • Enterprise
  1. Classes
  2. Woodpeckers



Hello and a warm Woodpecker welcome to the Wonderful Woodpecker Class in Year 1!

The Wonderful Woodpeckers are taught by Mrs Edwards, Mrs Smithurst and Mrs Allan who are really excited to meet and work with all of you. Over the year we will be working hard together towards achieving learning objectives from the Key Stage 1 National Curriculum in a fun and engaging practical way. We will be building on all of the amazing foundation learning experiences you had in Reception. We have six astounding topics to explore over the year and we will be working hard to develop our reading. writing and maths skills. This year we will have more Forest School experiences as well as lots of educational visits and visitors to support our learning journey. 

We love to see the Wonderful Woodpeckers doing well and achieving their best so we will reward children who demonstrate their 'can do' attitude and try really hard (this includes home learning achievements along with reading at home more than 3 times a week and completion of spellings).
Our PE days will be every Thursday and every other Wednesday so please make sure PE kits are always in school. Remember to encourage children to get dressed independently at home too!
Our Library session will be every other Wednesday and we will swap our Library books on Thursdays.
 We will read throughout the week in school as much as possible so please bring your book bags and water bottles with you every day.
Our spellings test will be on Fridays with the new spelling sheets sent home every Friday. 
Please look out for newsletters, information and letters in your child's book bags. Please also sign up to Class Dojo if you haven't already as there will be regular updates and photographs of what we have been learning. If you need to ask anything then don't hesitate, we're here to support you all and make this year fantastic!



 Autumn 1 term newsletter.pdfDownload
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